Sunday, 22 April 2012


Sorry, but I'm stuck at my bf's office, which makes it complicated to do much serious drawing... Feels like I've wasted a good half day on watching my bf work:P I guess now I know how it feels to be him when I draw all weekend. At least I tell him to go do other stuff than to sit at my desk and watch me draw, I'm not able to draw when people are watching anyway.

My plan was to be done with this today, but as you can see, it's far from done. I haven't even finished the lines...
Gah, today has been such a slack day... I wan't to draaaaaaaawwwwwwww.

Anyway, it will have to wait till tomorrow.

I'm not sure I like the new blogger dashboard, it'll probably get better when I get used to it, but right now it's a bit confusing...

The new Diablo is having a test launch this weekend, and I so wish I had a battlenet account to try it out! Guess I just have to wait till the official launch of it the 15. of may... I don't have a good enough computer to play it on yet anyway, but I'll have time to set that up before then^^

Naow, time to go bother bf so we can go home soon!

Kyrie is back tomorrow though, I really hope he gets a big bonus or wins a big cash prize or something so he can buy himself some decent equipment! I think only good things would come out of it!

Enough rant!

- Vinter

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