Saturday 10 September 2011


Today was a day without work. When I woke up, I decided to stay in bed... I din't get out of bed until a friend of mine sent me a text asking if I wanted to hang out today around three...
Which I did, it was nice just relaxing, watching Ponyo and eating home made pizza:)

So the first one is a spread from my Moleskine, did these on the bus to my friends place today, the other one is a page from my favourite sketchbook, done earlier today, drawn from photos I found at SIXMOREVODKA's website.
Must say, I would love to work in a studio...

Tomorrow I have a long and hard day of work, same on sunday, not so long on monday, but work nonetheless. Don't get me wrong, I hate my job:P And my boss knows it, BUT you can't live without money, so I try not to complain too much...
It's just so DRAINING!

Now bedtime before I have to get up again...
Kyrie up tomorrow, maybe he brings moar coloured goodness:D

- Vinter

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